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Project Summary
The cost of the chemical treatments is very expensive for Yemeni families. It can cost in excess of $300.00 US dollars per month. This equates to about 400,000 – 450,000 Yemeni rials. it often too difficult for the families to pay as nearly 80% of the population lives on less than $3.00 a day. It is for this reason the Children Cancer Hope was founded – to ensure that every child with cancer is given a chance to survive. Many children with cancer spend their lives in the hospital away from home, family and friends. Your funding will provide comfort to a child in need and go a long way towards bringing cures for these life-threatening diseases.
Pharmaceutical drugs.
Names of chemo drugs need it for the children depending on the type of cancer and its stage (if and how far it has spread).
Chemo can be used to:
• Cure the cancer.
• Keep the cancer from spreading.
• Slow the cancer’s growth.
• Kill cancer cells that may have spread to other parts of the body.
• Relieve symptoms caused by cancer.
Drugs Name | Unit Type |Unit Power
Vincristine IV.Inj / Vial / 1mg.
L - Asparaginase IM. IV.Inj / Vial /10000.
Daunomycine (Daunorubicine IV.Inj) / Vial / 20 mg.
Ara- c ( Cytarabine IV.,IT Inj) / Vial / 100 mg.
Methotroxate IV.,IT Inj / Vial / 50 mg.
Mercaptopurine tablet / Tab / 50 mg.
Neupogyn SlC. Inj / Ampule / 300 mcg (30 M).
Thiogunin tablet / Tab / 40 mg.
Ifosfamide IV.Inj / Vial / 1000 mg.
Mesna IV.Inj / Ampule / 200 - 400 mg.
Etoposide IV.Inj / Vial / 100 mg.
Bleomycine IV.Inj / Vial / 15 mg.
Decarbazine IV.Inj / Vial / 200 mg.
Vinblastine IV.Inj, Vial / 10 mg/
Cisplatin IV.Inj / Vial / 50 mg.
Doxorubicin (A driamycine ) IV.Inj / Vial / 50mg.
Actinomycine IV.Inj / Vial / 0.5 mg.
Folinic acid (Ca lucovorin ) IV.Inj / Ampule / 50 mg.
Methotroxate tablet / Tab / 2.5 mg.
Carpoblatin IV. Inj / Ampule / 150 mg.

Plasma Extractor
We need Plasma Extractors which are specially designed to separate blood components automatically from the blood bag. These Extractors are essential and been extensively used in varied applications.
Plasma Extractor

• CRC powder coated outer body with S.S.
• Supported Acrylic pressure plate, S.S. spring Cover, S.S. Handle.
• Plasma Extractor is the spring loaded front panel applies pressure on the collected bag causing the liquid to contain in transfer bag.
• It is designed to extract blood component from centrifuged bags.
• Its sturdy construction makes it durable and reliable, easy to sue and portable.
PF48h Platelet Agitator
Platelet agitators provide continual side-to-side motion for the safe storage of platelets. Delrin® rollers and glides allow the drawer storage platform to agitate smoothly, eliminating the need for ball bearings which wear down and squeak. Sturdy, one-piece perforated drawers with non-slip textured coating provide uniform air circulation for your platelets.

Automatic Cell Washing System
Cell washers are used for blood cell washing, blood typing, cross matching, antibody identification and screening, ABO compatibility, and antiglobulin, Rh, and Coombs testing. Automated cell washing systems save time and help ensure reproducible results. The operator can simply select the test parameters (such as saline volume, number of wash cycles, and rpm), load the rotor, and press the start button. Manual cell washing systems are also available for operators who desire more control over their protocol.

Cell washers and cell washer centrifuges are used in clinical laboratories, blood banks, and transfusion centers. Common rotor capacities are 12 or 24 tubes, although microplate washers are also available. Desirable features include automated low-saline alerts, electronic flow meters for consistent fill volumes, and intuitive microprocessor touchpad controls.
AJ 5805 Portable Syringe Pumps

Project Benefits
The project will benefit hundreds of children fighting cancer who spend their lives in the hospital away from their homes, families and friends. Your funding will provide comfort to a child in need and go a long way towards bringing cures for these life-threatening diseases. The future of Yemen, which is dependent on its children, is as fragile as the Yemeni children’s health. It is vital to be concerned about the ability of the current and future generations to receive adequate care. Not only do we strive to aid the physical health of these children, but also the emotional health while they undergo treatment often without their families there to support them. It is little-believe that the younger generation of Yemen will deliver world understanding.
With a big heart we give to those who are too weak to speak. We try to give hope to those who feel they have lost the joys of youthhood. We have a passion for making young children smile, laugh and feel what it’s like to live happily. Children and their families need hope. Hope is something never ends; hope is a reality to keep the faith that you will survive and be alive.

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P.O. Box 641793
San Francisco, CA 94164
© 2023 All rights reserved. The Children Cancer Hope is a 501(c)(3) IRS Tax ID 45-2043697
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